Table of Contents
Shopping for log siding, pine or cedar paneling, and pine flooring is not a tedious task when you have guidelines to follow. By ordering high-quality products and measuring their quantities carefully, you will not waste materials or worry about returning some of them. Purchase the best you can afford and you will not be sorry.
There is an accepted way to determine the quantities of materials you need. Homeowners can understand the process, and if you do need help, consult with your building contractor. You will achieve the best results by ordering log siding, paneling, and pine flooring from a highly reputable dealer. Follow the steps discussed below, and you will eliminate the guesswork and wasted time and money.
Determine Log Home Product Quantities: Log Siding
One way to determine log home product quantities is by multiplying the length of the area by the width of the area. Divide this square footage number by the square foot of each piece of log siding to determine the number of pieces needed. Next, multiply the number of pieces by the cost of one. The problem with this method is measuring for a gabled area as pictured here.
An easier way to calculate the quantity and cost of log siding is by using an.
- Select the material from the list
- Enter the wall height
- Enter the wall width
- Click “Email Results”
You will need to do this for each wall area and add all of them together. If you have gable ends, you must follow the same steps and add in the roof pitch for the gabled end. Do this for each area and add to the wall area cost. These calculations apply to the exterior and interior walls.
How to Determine Pine and Cedar Paneling Quantities
The same steps apply to calculating quantities for the interior walls. The estimate calculator is handy because all the paneling and log siding sizes and variations are listed separately in the chart.
We mill the wall, decking, and log siding with a tongue and groove/end-matching design that creates a The end butt joints are strong enough to be joined anywhere between wall framing.
“Shopping for log siding, pine or cedar paneling, and pine flooring is not a tedious task when you have guidelines to follow. By ordering high-quality products and measuring their quantities carefully, you will not waste materials or worry about returning some of them.”
How to Determine Pine Flooring Quantities
Estimating the quantity of knotty pine flooring for each room is an easy task to calculate. Flooring is typically sold in 220 sq. ft. packages for your convenience.
- Multiply the length of each room by its width for total square footage
- Perform this calculation for each room and add them all together
- Divide this number by 220 sq. ft. to determine the number of packages to order
- This calculation is for a standard straight layout.
Our customer service experts are happy to answer any of your questions about the quantities to order for log siding, paneling, or flooring.
Products Needed for Log Siding, Paneling, and Pine Flooring
Log home product quantities are not complete without the accompanying exterior trims and corner pieces and the internal molding, and baseboards. How you need to order:
- Determine the log trim for placing around doors and windows by measuring the total lengths and widths
- Measure the inside and outside corner log boards by measuring the total heights.
- Calculate the internal trims around doors and windows by measuring the total lengths and widths.
- Measure the vertical heights for all inside and corner internal trims and add them.
- Find the total for chair rails or crown molding by measuring the total length
- Measure the total length of baseboards needed in each room and total.
HINT: Add a little more length for all pieces needed in case you cut a few short.
It Is Easy to Order These Products Online
If you are not sure about ordering accurate quantities of our products, our log home specialists will be glad to answer all your questions. Ordering all the log home materials we have mentioned is easy by contacting our customer service.
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