If you feel like enveloping the entire interior of your home with wood paneling then you’ve made a great decision, but if you want to hold off on that idea and just add some accents, then our interior wood trim is definitely something that you will want to start looking into. It’s actually more prevalent in homes than you might think. Whether you want something smooth or rough and natural, interior wood trim really brings out the character in a home. If you’re renovating or remodeling then you have a lot of work to do and a lot of decisions to make, but you can rest assured that this one is already made.
Interior Wood Trim for your Doorways
This is one of the most common applications for wood trim, rough wood trim, and even the rustic look wood trim. You’ve likely seen this type of interior wood trim in the past, even if you don’t entirely realize it. Essentially, it’s the ‘border’ that goes around your interior doors. For example, if you have a doorway leading to another room you can frame it with wood trim, giving it that unique and rustic look that you crave. If you want the rustic look but cannot commit to paneling your entire interior right now, this is a great compromise and an easy patch.
Standard doorways are not the only thing that will benefit from the installation of our interior wood trim. As a matter of fact you might even consider using them for archways which are very popular in open concept homes today. Knotty wood pine trim and other forms of trim can definitely bring out the best in your home and give you something great to look at for many years to come.
Trimming up the Corners
Doorways are a great place to add trim, but sometimes you have to think bigger than that. Adding wood trim to the corners in your home is a great way to introduce an all new level of character and in our opinion, a very inexpensive type of renovation. Did you know that the paneling from The Wood Workers Shoppes is actually considered to be some of the most inexpensive in the industry? Most other trim and even paneling options can be ridiculously expensive, and it’s nice to have something that not only looks great, but that is actually affordable. It’s a great change from the norm, and there are plenty of different ways for you to go about getting it done.
A Window to the World
Finally, don’t forget to consider trim for your windows; this is a great addition to any home and it’s a wonderful way to frame your view of the outside world. We offer a wide variety of trim that will suit any window in your home, so don’t forget to check out what we have to offer – you’re bound to find something that you like.
Feel Free to Take it Up a Notch
If you find that rough wood trim and the other trim variants just aren’t enough to do more than whet your appetite, then don’t worry; you’re not alone in this. There are a ton of people who feel the exact same way and The Wood Workers Shoppe has plenty of products to help bring you up to date. So you like the rustic look and you want to bring it further into your home. Whether it’s log siding or interior paneling, we definitely have what you’re looking for and we can make sure that your home has the rustic look that you crave.
Not only do our solutions look great in your home, you will find that they are incredibly inexpensive, meaning you can panel your entire home for a very low price. Like we said, trim is definitely a good choice, but sometimes you just want to take it up a notch, and we can’t blame you. Visit the website and find out more about what we have to offer – you won’t be disappointed.
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