Siding & Paneling Calculator – how much will your log home renovation will cost?
All Prices include the latest sales prices!
1.) Select your “Material”
2.) Enter “Wall Height”
3.) Enter “Wall Width”
4.) “Pitch” (should be entered only if applies)
For square foot pricing enter a “1” in both the height & width boxes

After using our wood siding calculator, you can purchase from our online store 24/7 > The Log Home Shoppe
Log Siding
Knotty Pine Paneling
The nations leader in quality log siding, knotty pine paneling, and log home products.
Log siding and knotty pine paneling is our specialty… as we manufacture and retail all of our log siding, knotty pine paneling, kitchen cabinets, flooring, doors, log railing, log stairs, and many other quality log home products right here at home! We are the nations leader in log siding, knotty pine paneling, and log home products, our products are superior because of our wood quality, tongue-n-groove design, and end-match system. “We’ve got you covered!”