Ways to Save Money and Time with Log Home Wood Paneling 

Knotty pine is the traditional wood used for walls and ceilings in country homes and cottages. It gained acceptance for its natural characteristics, beauty, and charm. Consider using it for your building plans instead of drywall.

High-quality, defect-free pine paneling is available online from our mill at fair prices. You will find the tongue and groove end-matching design will save labor and waste over conventional planks. The panels cover the nail heads for a clean and professional appearance. Keep reading and you will discover why so many people are excited about it.

Use Tongue and Groove Paneling Instead of Conventional Boards

Prefinished pine and cedar panelingToo many home and cabin owners attempt to save money by purchasing conventional pine boards at a lumberyard or DIY store. They discover the initial prices may be less than quality tongue and groove panels, but don’t save money and time in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Boards without tongue and groove end-matching are typically too long and offer lower quality than you really want.
  • Installers spend extra time measuring and sawing boards to length to end-butt on wall framing.
  • There is too much wasted material with these boards. 
  • The Tongue and groove paneling are not only up to 20% faster to install, but it’s also easier.
  • Pre-finished paneling can be purchased online to save additional time and effort. 

Install Pine Paneling on Walls and Ceilings Instead of Drywall

Of course, painted drywall ceilings are an option for log homes, but they’re not the best option. Consider using the same paneling you install on walls on your ceilings for these reasons:

  • Drywall installation is best left up to professionals who know how to do it right the first time. Amateurs sometimes don’t make quality tapings, apply ‘mud’ incorrectly, or break some pieces.
  • Handling drywall is awkward and typically requires 2 people. It’s difficult to hang on high walls and ceilings. 
  • Pine paneling eliminates the issues of all the nailing on studs, taping, using corner protectors, applying mud, sanding, wiping down, and painting up to two times.
“Want to save a lot of time and clean up? Use pre-finished pine or cedar paneling and save scheduling a painter.”


Buy Paneling Direct from the Mill

Paying full retail is always the most expensive way to buy pine or cedar paneling, especially at today’s prices. You can save a bundle by ordering high-quality paneling direct from the mill that produces it and bypass the ‘middlemen.’ Even with shipping charges, you can find super deals online and have it delivered right to your building site.

The best mills inspect each piece of paneling that goes out the door to make sure you get the best. There’s no sorting through a lot of boards yourself, or being disappointed when they are delivered from a lumber store. In case you are not aware, store employees typically don’t take the time to find the best panels when they load them on a truck. 

Use Pre-Finished Pine or Cedar Paneling

Paneling sale pricesWant to save a lot of time and clean up? Use pre-finished pine or cedar paneling and save scheduling a painter. Since we’re talking about saving money, pre-finished wood is great:

  • You don’t need to purchase finishing materials.
  • No need to hire a painter or two.
  • No need to pay someone to re-sand runs or drips.
  • Sawhorses or stands are not needed to support paneling for finishing.
  • You end up with superior results with pre-finished panels.

Saving time is an important factor in staying on the construction schedule. You eliminate waiting on rainy or humid weather because the finish is applied at the mill in a controlled drying atmosphere. Nail it up and you’re finished!

Check for Paneling Sale Prices

A final way you can save big is to watch for sales, and they may be going on right now. Look for terrific prices on paneling, window and door trim, chair railing, ceiling trim, corner trim, and crown molding. You need these materials anyway – why not buy them at the same time you order paneling from our shoppe?

We have the best-quality stain and clear coat finishing products if you choose to finish your wood. Our experts will assist you with ordering the right amount of paneling and building products for a perfect project.

References and Resources